Total Money I Saved on Home Decoration by Learning Pyrography

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Written by Jared Watson

Jarred Watson is a pyrographer with 10+ years experience and has worked with brands like BOSCH & FORD. He is always looking to learn and share his passion of wood burning with others.

Home decoration is an art that reflects personal style and comfort. In the U.S, homeowners spend an average of $7,560 per year on home improvements and décor. In this article, we will explore how learning pyrography, an ancient art form, can not only save you money but also add a unique touch to your living space.

Home decoration creates living spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. But with the rising costs of decorative items, finding cost-effective solutions becomes vital. Pyrography, the art of decorating wood or other materials with burn marks, can be a game-changer. This article aims to demonstrate how pyrography can help you save money and create custom décor pieces.

Understanding Pyrography

Pyrography dates back to ancient Egypt and China, where it was used for decorating and commemorating artifacts. Today, it’s gaining popularity as a versatile art form.

Tools and Materials

The primary tool in pyrography is a wood-burning pen, which can range from $15 to $200. You’ll also need wood or other burnable surfaces, which can be sourced inexpensively or even for free.

Basic Techniques and Safety

It’s important to use the tool carefully to prevent burns and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes. Experiment with different tips and heat settings to achieve various textures.

The Cost of Home Decoration

Home decoration can involve expenses like furniture, wall art, and decorative items. A custom wooden wall art piece can easily cost $150 or more.

Common Expenses

Common expenses include:

Furniture: $100 – $2,000+

Wall art: $50 – $500+

Decorative items: $10 – $200+

DIY Approaches

DIY approaches like pyrography can cut costs substantially, allowing customization at a fraction of the price.

Learning Pyrography

Getting Started

Start by purchasing a basic wood-burning kit. Research online forums and join local community groups dedicated to pyrography.

Resources for Learning

Online platforms like Udemy, YouTube, and Pinterest offer courses and tutorials. Local craft stores may also offer classes.

Investment in Tools

A beginner’s kit, along with some wood pieces, can be purchased for under $50.

Time Investment

Expect to spend a few hours per week practicing. Within a month, you should be able to create simple designs.

Applications of Pyrography in Home Decoration

Ideas and Examples

Create customized wall art, engraved furniture, or decorative wooden plaques. A piece that would cost $150 can be created for under $30 using pyrography.

Customization and Personalization

Personalize your pieces with initials, quotes, or unique designs that resonate with your style.


Pyrography can fit into various themes from rustic to modern.

Case Study/Personal Experience

When I first moved into my new home, I was eager to decorate it but was constrained by a tight budget. This led me to explore alternative, cost-effective ways to add charm and personality to my space. That’s when I stumbled upon pyrography.

Initial Investment

I invested in a basic wood-burning kit for $30 and some pieces of wood costing around $10. I also signed up for an online course on Udemy for $20, bringing my initial investment to $60.

First Project: Wall Art

My first project was a wall art piece for the living room. I chose a simple geometric design as I was still getting the hang of controlling the wood-burning pen. I spent around 10 hours over two weekends working on it. Had I bought a similar-sized wall art from a store, it would have easily cost me around $120. The satisfaction of hanging my artwork was unmatched.

Second Project: Engraved Coffee Table

For my second project, I decided to take on something bigger – a coffee table. I had an old plain coffee table which I decided to revamp. I spent approximately 20 hours spread over a couple of weeks working on a detailed floral pattern. It transformed the table completely, and it became a conversation starter with guests. A new engraved coffee table of a similar style was priced around $250 at my local furniture store.

Third Project: Custom Plaques

For the holidays, I made custom wooden plaques for my family members. I made five plaques, each taking around 3 hours. The total cost of materials was around $25. Similar custom plaques online were selling for $40 each. Not only did I save money, but my family was thrilled with the personal and heartfelt gifts.

Total Savings and Beyond

Between these three projects, I spent about $85 on materials and course fees, and around 35 hours of my time. If I were to buy similar items, it would have cost me approximately $520. This means I saved around $435 by using pyrography for home decoration.

Additionally, pyrography became more than just a money-saving tactic for me. It evolved into a hobby that I immensely enjoyed. The therapeutic process of burning wood and creating designs became a form of meditation.

Lessons Learned

Patience is Key: Pyrography requires patience, especially if you are a beginner. Don’t rush the process.

Experiment with Scraps: Before starting on the actual piece, practice on scrap wood to get a feel of the wood-burning pen.

Personal Touch Matters: The fact that you made something with your own two hands adds a special value that money can’t buy.

Tips and Recommendations

When embarking on your pyrography journey, it’s essential to arm yourself with some tips and recommendations to ensure a successful and enjoyable experience. Below are some insights to help you get started and progress effectively.

Start with Simple Designs

As a beginner, it’s easy to be ambitious, but it’s advisable to start with simple designs. This will help you get accustomed to handling the wood-burning pen and understanding how it reacts with different types of wood. Simple patterns like lines, circles, or basic shapes are great starting points.

Invest in Quality Tools

While starting with a basic kit is okay, as you progress, consider investing in a quality wood-burning pen and varied tips. A pen with adjustable temperature settings will give you more control and versatility in your designs.

Practice on Scrap Wood

Before you begin working on an actual piece, practice on scrap wood. This will allow you to experiment with different tips, temperatures, and techniques without the fear of ruining your main project.

Use Graphite Paper for Transferring Designs

If you are not confident in freehand drawing, create or print out your design on paper. Then use graphite paper to transfer it onto the wood. This will give you an outline to follow as you burn.

Work in a Well-Ventilated Area

Pyrography produces fumes that can be harmful if inhaled in large amounts. Make sure you work in a well-ventilated area, preferably near a window or with an exhaust fan.

Take Regular Breaks

Working for long periods can cause fatigue and result in shaky hands or lack of focus. Taking regular breaks will keep you fresh and ensure better results.

Be Patient and Don’t Rush

Quality pyrography takes time. Rushing may cause mistakes which are hard to correct once the wood is burned. Take your time to ensure each burn is purposeful and controlled.

Experiment with Different Wood Types

Different woods react differently to burning. Experiment with various types such as pine, basswood, or birch to see which one you prefer working with.

Add Finishing Touches

After you’ve completed the burning, consider adding finishing touches such as staining or sealing the wood. This will not only enhance the appearance but also protect your work.

Engage with the Pyrography Community

Join forums, social media groups, or local classes to connect with other pyrography enthusiasts. You’ll find support, inspiration, and might even make some friends who share your passion.

Keep Safety in Mind

Always keep a first aid kit handy and follow the manufacturer’s safety instructions for your tools. Remember that the pen gets very hot, so handle it with care to avoid burns.


Pyrography offers a remarkable fusion of cost-effectiveness and personalization in home decoration. By learning this ancient art, not only can you save substantial money but also create one-of-a-kind pieces that resonate with your tastes. It’s an investment in both your living space and personal well-being, as pyrography can be therapeutic. Armed with the right tools, knowledge, and a dash of patience, you can transform your home into a personalized sanctuary without breaking the bank. So, let the burning begin!

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